Monday, November 10, 2014

DSA The Last Charles Hamilton Disciple

 Its funny how life is at times . K. Zeus (yea that's me) was born Nov 9th and Charles Hamilton born on  Nov 10th (aka Chuck, C.Ham, C. hamilof). I believe Chuck is three years older than me so that would make him 27 today and me 24 . Wow if my mamma was in labor 1 more hour I would have been born Nov 10th, 1990 .  Anyway today is a real musicians birthday, Charles Hamilton. One of the main reasons I rap today is because I had the opportunity to see Charles Hamilton free-styling in an FDA high school cafeteria. I had just started rapping not to long before that, and to see him entertain a sizable amount of students with such ease was awesome. It was more impressive than average because he wad really rapping off the dome with no pre written verses and that gave me some inspiration to keep it up.

It did help that the school also had a studio and there where a large group of actually really dope MC's to keep me sharp but no doubt CH was instrumental to my growth as an artist. The hobo free spirit charm he had was very inviting even though he was dealing with his own demons. When everything about the studio was a struggle CH was the "hey keep ya head up" voice, and the  "here try rapping on this beat i made" kind of guy. CH was inspiring in the fact that he actually knew how to play instruments such as the guitar and the piano/keyboard. Candid Lyrics and soulful instrumentation would help  him bear his soul through his music. I'll never forget seeing him in his zone when he recorded and played the on the Yamaha for the intro of The Pink Lava Lamp's "Music" or being in the studio when he recorded Speak No Louder...

As success came for CHuck and getting signed to the machine (InterscopeRecords) he became more like Kanye's rendition of HOV in Big Brother. Chuck became  the successful older brother "that kept lil bro at a distance"...and soon all communication was lost especially after the day he brought Brianna to the studio 335 but that's another story for another day.

Anyway to show some him some love from one scorpio to another and  one of my fave teachers in school (though he wasn't an actual teacher). I have a project that is heavily inspired by The Hamiltonization Process. All 20 tracks where recorded in the High school studio 335 and the project is called DSA (depression sounds awesome)/ The Last CH Disciple...who knows i might do a part II. I have that many tracks from room 335....

check the artwork and the tape on

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